CT sided map, hard to cover anyways because you always have to look at it all day(it wont be enaugh with 1 flare because its 4 tiles per entrance) and you might get 1v2 short connection with the bombspots, easier to retake bombspot.
Very good hiding spots for TTs when planted.
cs (hostages) and snow version of desert
TT Sided. Hard to take the Hostages... there are 2 hostages in the easier part so atleast if they take one of those they can get some money, but tts could hide forever on down hostages and win the round but lose the money... so they might need to be agressive.. also they might be trapped. It might be hard for CTS to run with the hostages, but we shall see!... quite like office.
Ahh this remake of Frozen is lovely.
New bombspot on the upper side, entrances to A are a bit bigger. bigger window so they can support eachother...
IT takes a while to run to each bombspot so its a balanced map.
Balanced map.
Up and Down.
Up is much harder, you have to cover 2 entrances
Down is much easier to cover, only one entrance and you can flare most of the tiles.
nc_laska 2
BIGGER, cant flare the entrances, hard for cts anyways but its more balanced than the original one, its a fast paced map. Awesome looking.
Balanced, awesome looking of a very well known map! nc_dust (its the 16 max version)
Ooh this is intense..!
Embrador is back! some old annoying sprites removed, NOW YOU CAN WALK ON WATER, a very tactical thing... if you walk on water, its very easy to hear it and know where you are! so think wisely.. but no more random deaths by water. Balanced map, hard for both sides but tts can plant most of the rounds.
A bit CT sided, made the entrances bigger and deleted the 1 tile passages. Its becoming a classic already!
Classic remains would be too damn CT sided, so this one is bigger, and cts got more to look at ! FAST paced map.
Balanced map! already played in some tournaments, proved to be worth! this is the only map without any modifications by me.
[mod=Andréz]Notes: On this 2v2 nation cup you will have to make some tactics! the more you win, the harder the maps!
If you go on loser bracket, be prepared for some classic maps, so you wont be able to blame the new maps from winner bracket![/mod]
And train!!
Most credits:
piWi for the original versions.
all maps with nc_ were retouched by me to make them competitive enaugh.
Tileset from freezert is made by me.
-No signatures from the maps were removed.
All these maps except nc_embrador were succesfully played!
Approved by GeoB99
2.64 mb, 472 Downloads