Here is yet another Safezone script, so you will want to know how different it is:
map editor integration: just edit entities in map editor, no need to edit configs
visual feedback: players will know that someone is in a safezone
Entering/leaving message (no hudtxt)
safezones can have names for greetings/farewell messages
players can still be healed in the safezone
What is a safezone?
A safezone is a place where you will not get any damage! You are completely invulnerable to weapon shots, grenades etc.
How to use?
Place Env_Hurt on map
Change Name: to "safezone" or "safezone=Custom Name"
Done! Nothing else needed
you can set Damage: -1 if you want players to be healed for 1hp/sec (any negative value)
How to Install
1) Add the script to autorun/ folder
2) Bundle the script with a map: mp_luamap
License: MIT
This script follows the series of Pseudon scripts that enhance the map editor entities. Check them out:
Entity-01-Shield (5)
Entity-02-Animated Tree (21)
Entity-03-Damage Mirror (7)
Entity-04-Boxes (16)
Entity-05-Stealth Bush [Fix Update I] (12)
Other safezones scripts:
Automatic Safe-Zone script (7)
[Gajos] Safezone [v1.0] (5)
edited 6×, last 13.05.17 05:13:57 pm
Approved by Sparty
3 kb, 532 Downloads