
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > [px20] Custom Projectile v1.0
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English [px20] Custom Projectile v1.0 >

0 comments4 kb, 380 Downloads

old [px20] Custom Projectile v1.0


Hello us sgn users, today I wanna upload my new script, called "Custom Projectile".

> Description <
As you can see in the title, you can create your own projectile and trigger it with knife.

> Usage <
• To trigger it, attack with knife (LMB)

• To add your own projectile, follow these steps:
1. Go to "sys/lua/customprojectile/engine.lua"
2. Search for code:
Spoiler >
3. Copy one sample:
Spoiler >
4. Paste your code below ID 8:
Spoiler >
5. Finally, enjoy your own projectile.

• To change your projectile, say "/serveraction1" or press serveraction1 button, default F2.

∗ Features ∗
• Able to create your own projectile.
• Unlimited projectile.
• Page- support menu.
• Sample projectiles.
• Able to kill somebody with your projectile.
• You can launch your projectile 5x in the same time to avoid glitches and fps drops.
• Able to set cost for every projectile with CS2D original money.

illegal Rules illegal
You are allowed to attach or plug into your own script.
You are allowed to play it on your own server.
You are allowed to share it with my permission.
You are allowed to edit the configuration only.
You are allowed to edit all with my permission.
You are not allowed to claim it as yourself.
Please tag me if you attach this in your own script.

spam Change logs spam

spam Known bugs spam
Version 1.0 release >

spam What's new in next version? spam
Bug fix
Expand projectile limit up to 9.

off-topic Installation off-topic
First step : Download this script.
Second step : Extract .zip file into your CS2D file.
Last step : Play with sv_luaserver

P.S.: This file archive will be edited much times.
P.P.S.: If you don't understand, sorry for my English.
P.P.P.S.: If you found any bugs, please report it to me with comment in this file archive, any reports is my pleasure.
edited 4×, last 27.11.16 05:06:22 am
Approved by Yates

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4 kb, 380 Downloads



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