This script allows you control other player!
how? Shoot him with the control weapon (USP default) and with control weapon mode (silenced USP default) and now control him for 10 seconds (default)!
If you want move now, press shift to walk.
Open mind control.lua and edit with notepad:
controltime = time in secs to control other player (10 default)
controlweap = weapon TYPE ID to control other player (1-USP default)
controlmode = weapon mode to control other player (1-silenced default, -1 no mode)
controlteam = can control your team (true yes, false no)
controldelay = delay to control other player (in seconds)
how instal? just move mind control.lua to sys/lua/autorun/ folder!
Take a cookie, DC
edited 5×, last 20.08.16 05:09:22 pm
Approved by DC
2 kb, 408 Downloads