Finally I`m complete this cool map. This is remake of famous map from CS 1.6 - zombie mod, which also known as "first official zm map in cs 1.6". This map looks like small house with second floor and long way to big underground with tomb, secret room etc. Zombies must destroy doors (500 hp) and kill all humans, but humans can hide themselves somewhere at map and be silent til round ends.
08.03.12 All this time map was unupdated :) Sorry guys, now it`s really got max2 version
original map made by Navy (see his icq in zm_toxic_house2_max.txt file).
map in cs2d made by Fapicon_rus (see my icq zm_toxic_house2_max.txt file).
all rights reserved (I`m speaking with Navy and he said that I can make remake :P).
All textures from original map.
Secret trigger which gives you wrenches.
Bots can play on map (only at first floor and only if doors has been destroyed)
Realistic lights at map (like in original version).
Map use only unstandart textures and no one other unstandart file.
Maps good for Zombie Plague, Biohazard, Zombie apocalypse and other infection scripts.
You can use zmToxicHouse2max.png tiles for your own map (but say that some textures by me :D)
Hi all, after passing few months I`m update this map. Now I fix all bugs which I find. If you`ll find MOAR bugs - PM me.
1. Map update for playing with Zombie Plague script
2. Wrong shadows somewhere
3. Small bugs
4. Map briefing colors
1. More wrenches
2. +2 secrets to map (Find `em all!)
There two maps with briefings in archive
zm_toxic_house2_max - Old map which you can use for non-ZP server
zm_toxic_house2_max2 - Better playing on ZP servers and more secrets
Enj0y!... y0ur br4inZ!!!
P.S. Viva la potatos
edited 17×, last 16.04.16 06:01:56 pm
Approved by Leiche
165 kb, 2,451 Downloads