I come from indonesian with new scripts, i call it "Snowball Freeze". Nothing special, but it's fun.
You need snowball to do this, throw it to your enemy. Enemy will take out blue smoke, move slowly for 5 sec, and show "You Are Freeze !" Message for that player. You can also change the time, and effect.
This Is Bad Scripts
Before you write bad comments you better see this :
I already looking for same scripts in "Name contains" and "Google Custom Search". There is no same file before.
If you think this is too simple, You can find more than one hundred simple scripts. You can say bad comments there.
I add some array and effect. This is Progress from my last lua scripts file.
I don't copy or stolen this file.
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No badwords, sorry for my limited english knowledge, Good Bye... Mommy
edited 13×, last 24.10.15 02:53:02 pm
Approved by Sparty
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