yeah anyway, I decided to make this map because everyday there were times when I had nothing to do, so I made this map. I worked on it for 7 days, everyday 2 hours. so overall 14 hours of map making.
At this map I wanted to focus on the gameplay and the "graphics". I tried to use a lot of sprites to make the map look better. I also tried to make competitive, so both side has the same advantage(not sure if I've done a good job on that).
This village is basically a village after a war. There is a story for the map. Download the map and you can read it.
I've also decided to put some hidden messages on the map. Rewards for you if you find them without looking into the editor (No actual reward but yeah, good job if you find them).
I will not include a mapexport simply because it doesn't show what actually happens on the map (also it's glitchy at some points) The map is not too big anyway.
Thanks for the sprites:

Probably more but I can't remember them atm.
1st - Way for the VIP to escape
2nd - CT/VIP Spawn
3rd - You can break through there
4th - Police station
5th - Tanks (Close to the T spawn)
edited 3×, last 26.07.14 07:47:45 pm
Approved by Seekay
1.91 mb, 520 Downloads