de_cs2d_newDestimon User Offline 15.06.10 05:06:55 am Remake cs_2d is made on me What's new on the map: Now you can go through the letter D Now there are obstacles And much more Approved by GeoB99 (02.09.16 02:20 pm) Download 109 kb, 441 Downloads
Enchanted User Offline 20.08.10 11:00:37 pm Make a night edition with sewers etc. I would love that C: I like it!
Admir User Offline 15.06.10 10:38:16 am you should resize (make the map bigger a bit) the map for the passageways etc. you remake for this maybe to small.
Ice-cream16 User Offline 15.06.10 09:44:38 am Look nice. Easy & beauty map! I like it!edited 1×, last 07.11.10 09:07:52 pm
Destimon User Offline 15.06.10 07:25:05 am It took me 20 minutes to remake! In order to create passageways, etc.
Time User Offline 15.06.10 06:22:51 am uhm.. seriously how much did it took you to make these modifications? if you ever have no-so-good stuff post em on fpsbanana since it looks like you putted some tactical thought into it ill give you a 3/5 I like it!