de_ALI v1.2BATTLEKOT User Offline 24.01.14 04:31:09 pm Hi all! I create new map for cs2d! Real good map , and graphic Map support light and shadow. natural wall. Have fun ! UPDATE LIST UPDATE THIS: UPDATE 1.1 add: BotNote add: Shadow FIX: name map oldname "cs_ALI" new name map "de_ALI" delete: box in plant B UPDATE 1.2 add: Shadow for object and sprite palm. add: smoke and steam add: bariccade in plant B fix:wall in plant A fix: fixed color tiles delete: tank amunation in plant B edited 6×, last 29.01.14 02:28:43 pm Approved by Infinite Rain (08.12.15 07:32 am) Download 4.31 mb, 378 Downloads
Pseudon User Offline 30.01.14 05:16:39 pm No... i don't want this comment to be short so i added this,and this -> The same trick don't work twice.
BATTLEKOT User Offline 25.01.14 09:46:08 am I took these sprites from other servers and I do not know who owns ence Sites
Avo User Offline 25.01.14 12:02:37 am It looks like paper flowers put in the middle of the gap filled with mud.
alex72super User Offline 24.01.14 08:32:51 pm I actually like it. Nice shading and effects I like it!
BATTLEKOT User Offline 24.01.14 06:19:44 pm sorry) I change map name) This map for DE I mistakenly wrote cs
_oops User Offline 24.01.14 05:58:18 pm where is hostage? isn't it cs? I like it!edited 1×, last 25.01.14 02:45:55 am