This LUA allows you to generate a minimap image in a Bitmap format
This LUA is created to celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day that happend yesterday
Just a note that i don't know for what this LUA for, because there is a mapexport exist already
Fast generating(48 ms on con_sandbox)
Configurable colors
Separated LUA file and Config file
Bitmap file format
Configurable settings(password, save directory)
Hooks: 1( parse)
Lines: 57(w/o comments),95(with comments)
Size: 2098 Bytes and 3185 Bytes
How to Install
Put minimap.txt or minimap_desc.txt and minimap.cfg at desired folder, make sure to edit server.lua
Configuration file is minimap.cfg
Password - Minimap password, to prevent abusing. Please change this if you gonna use it on public servers.
MinimapPath - Where minimap image is should stored. It located at where CounterStrike2D.exe is started.
<PropertyName>Color - Color to written on image to represent <PropertyName>(Table: {red,green,blue})
Console Commands
Minimap <password> - Command to generate the minimap.
You can use it(for your server)
You can edit it
You can upload at another website, say MikuAuahDark made it
You can't say this is yours
You can't upload on another website without put me on credits
1. Feedbacks? Bug reports? write on comment
Known Bugs
Generating minimap for de_cs2d map cause the generated map to be distorted
Generated images are flipped
Version History
Distorted image when generating de_cs2d minimap
Configuration now set to default if it can't load configuration file
Images now generated correctly and not flipped
Initial Release
edited 4×, last 04.08.14 05:24:26 am
Approved by Seekay
3 kb, 428 Downloads