kick any player (not just from the same team)
change of the game mode
toggle Fog of War
toggle Friendly Fire
toggle infinite ammo
restarting the round
All stuff is accessed by a Lua menu. By default, it can be accessed with [F4] or by saying "!xvote" (This text will be surpressed in the chat). If there is another script running which uses [F4] and shows a menu, the XVote will not appear. The serverinfo hook has a priority of -10.
Map and kick votes from the traditional vote menu and per console ( vote; votemap) will be counted, too.
The voting rules are:
All humans can vote anytime
A vote option will be applied immediately if more than 50% of all human players vote for this option.
Extract the file into the CS2D directory. Then, add this line to "sys/lua/server.lua":
The server can set some options in the file "sys/lua/xvoteconfig.lua". Currently, the XVote menu key and the map list can be configured. Each option has a long explantation on it.
By default, the maps listed in "sys/mapcycle.cfg" are the maps the players can vote for.
Approved by Starkkz
6 kb, 2,259 Downloads