Jl's Logo Pack V2J_Lucas User Offline 26.03.13 06:05:32 pm 23 Sprays logos Screens Credits : J_Lucas With Program Logo Maker ® 2.4 edited 3×, last 09.09.14 06:51:29 pm Approved by Sparty (20.01.16 01:01 pm) Download 27 kb, 418 Downloads
GraPhix User Offline 10.05.13 09:02:57 am Lol. I don't use logomakers and templates. I make pictures with Paint. Or sometimes ps cs6
J_Lucas User Offline 10.05.13 02:55:51 am GraPhix , Try make with logomaker you fool kid oh sorry , youre so idiot to use a program like logomaker
GraPhix User Offline 09.05.13 07:19:37 pm As @ SekYo: Said... google Images/Color/Black&White/Size/32x32
Avo User Offline 26.03.13 07:09:29 pm http://unrealsoftware.de/files_edit.php?file=13374 There's something like called "Remove". I still wonder why Captcha is for removing file, for uploading should be around 10 captchas to prevent idiots from uploading files like this.