HL:Opposing Force's CTF FlagsMAX-russia User Offline 15.01.13 04:34:48 pm I am very tierd right now, so I wont write a full description about these flags. What I can say is: Don't say that it's yours Approved by CY (20.07.16 12:52 am) Download 2 kb, 452 Downloads
Jela331 User Offline 15.01.13 07:13:34 pm I am not sure if these are yours. HL2D includes flags too in the download.
Shawni User Offline 15.01.13 07:08:51 pm @ MAX-russia: He was talking about the screenshot. Spoiler The mini screenshot looks exactly as the big(zoomed) one, try it yourself[/quote] @ zazz: Yes, it is an easy work, unless its hard for you genus