{ExSeven} | [PB Series] JackHammerStillerCream User Offline 09.01.13 08:44:55 pm Files You Know the rules Comment and RATE!! Approved by CY (19.07.16 04:04 pm) Download 387 kb, 348 Downloads
StillerCream User Offline 17.01.13 10:19:38 pm @ Snark: im gonna use your buy menu image (if you dont mind)
Untitled User Offline 17.01.13 01:13:00 am Alliance Soldier ES-A8 RU Yes but it is to big for my taste
Alliance Soldier ES-A8 RU User Offline 13.01.13 08:07:45 am Ello, hold image isnt big, shop image is big. I like it!
Untitled User Offline 13.01.13 01:36:08 am To big i like the shop image but the hold image is big and i hardly like it.
StillerCream User Offline 10.01.13 09:47:02 pm @ Horazont: if you do not like my skins You can keep your comments
Memeoji User Offline 10.01.13 03:36:27 pm @ StillerCream: No hes not, hes mostly offline when I am on Unreal Software bruh. :u
It's too big.CY Reviewer Offline 10.01.13 08:19:55 am Huge weapon sprite means you have to make a lot of details, try make it smaller as you can without ruining the weapon shape.
Snark User Offline 10.01.13 03:14:57 am Not bad shape, but ugly shadings. Should looks like this: And yes, I know rules.
Raisun User Offline 09.01.13 08:51:15 pm Holy fuck. It's huge (menu image). Also, it needs better shading. Not bad.