How to install:
extract hudxypos.lua at sys/lua folder to <cs2ddir>/sys/lua
open server.lua and write this at end of server.lua
close and save server.lua and the lua has been installed
This lua make you able to print ahud text position on console by just pressing LMB(Leftmouse button). and usage is for debugging
How to use:
press F3 to show the hud text. To change the hud text, simply Press Z and type your own text.
afterwards press LMB and check console. it has format like this:
parse("hudtxt 1 \"<the text of hud>"\" <x position in pixels> <y position in pixels> <align>")
align can be changed by typing !type <align id written on hudtxt)
to turn off this lua simply type !off on chat and all variables will be deleted and all hooks will be deleted
You can:
use this for debugging
edit it
share it to another website but say that it's made by MikuAuahDark
You can't
use this for public server(lag spike will coming and can hijacked easily)
say this is yours
Type !menu to show a test menu
Known bugs:
Typing a word that contain quote or double quote cause a flooding message on console
edited 2×, last 08.01.13 05:59:45 am
Approved by Seekay
846 b, 424 Downloads