Aim_TheDesert_M4A1 (Desert Eagle)
So i searched around for a new tileset to work with, and found a nicely done one by 'Lubo.' found here:

The map gameplay is actually incredibly satisfying (have done 4v4's with few other guys on it over the weekend) and I spent a lot more time improving the tactical side of things as well such as measuring distances away from each bomb spot and spawns etc.
Tileset by a guy called Lubo.
PS: The Aim and Awp maps are all scripted, however the map is playable without scripts or any further editing, but I would not recommend it.
1. De_
2. Awp_
5. Aim_
edited 1×, last 08.11.12 12:25:14 am
Approved by GeoB99
70 kb, 360 Downloads