awp_villageWinterPwnd User Offline 05.09.12 03:35:55 pm A small awp map that i made, not much that i can say about it, but enjoy playing it, just don't steal it. Mapexport(normal): More Mapexport(night): More Credits: Useigor for the Tank. Hope you like it. Approved by GeoB99 (24.03.16 03:41 pm) Download 207 kb, 439 Downloads
mozilla1 User Offline 07.09.12 01:48:21 pm This map is pretty similar to de_militia. (CS1.6) I like it!
krabob User Offline 05.09.12 05:15:58 pm If I'd play this there would be only 4-5 places where it'd be fun, the rest would be boring, unfair and frustrating
hobo man445 User Offline 05.09.12 03:56:56 pm so its pretty much 1side copied to another for the map its fine I like it!
Happer User Offline 05.09.12 03:38:30 pm adjust precision how (English language) I like it!edited 1×, last 05.09.12 04:03:34 pm