The triggers only work if there is a light above it.
Green triggers open and close doors. Closing doors squish everyone who’s just in the door.
Blue triggers open gas pipelines for 30 seconds which emit toxic gas out of the grilles (see Screenshot B) The gas tank needs 90 seconds to refill.
Red triggers fire a big laser barrier for 1 second which kills everyone who runs into it. The laser needs 30 seconds to reload.
New in version 2:
smoke grenades
small secure area with weapons in the toxic gas area
laser beam should work now properly
further small bug fixes
New in version 3:
coloured briefing
New in version 5:
doorkills, kills with Laser Barrier and per gas add to your score now
more realistic laser behaviour
new trigger looks
This map requires the server setting "mp_luamap 1" to work properly.
Have fun!
Approved by SQ
88 kb, 503 Downloads