@Steam Friends ADMIN I aggre but you stop use translator. It is forbidden to use it here. Rules say it.
This what you say : YOU ONLY COPY.I have game Team Fortress 2D and the skins are same as these. http://tf2d.lubomirr.eu/
You can donwload full game here.
I fell sick from you
YOU ONLY COPY.I have game Team Fortress 2D and the skins are same as these. http://tf2d.lubomirr.eu/
You can donwload full game here.
i think how copy too
Now i must say awesome work on the GFX but what i was wondering was... well i downloaded that SFX file from that link you provided but when i look at it, all it is is just random text on the notepad (since its apperanly a text file because it opens in the notepad or atleast it says that when i clikc the download button it says save file or open with notepad) so i was wondering, how the heck do i install that thing!