I noticed that there is a lack of HE- High Explosive typed maps, therefore i decided to create one.
tons of HEs (respawn: 2-5 seconds, everywhere)
4 Molotovs (20 seconds, near the spawns)
1 Air strike (15 seconds, middle of the map)
2 Gas grenades (90 seconds, next to the lava pool)
4 Light Armors (25 seconds, niches next to spawns)
2 Armors (60 seconds, at the big spawns)
2 Heavy Armors (120 seconds, big rooms between the spawns)
map size:
about 40x30 tiles
Since users like ImSoFuckingRetarded and KidJony upload more crappy files with every second, we need to upload more good stuff to keep the file archive's level at least a few centimeters above the ground. Therefore it would maybe be nice if some of you created a few more HE_ maps
edited 3×, last 27.10.12 04:18:08 pm
Approved by Sparty
144 kb, 423 Downloads