How To Use:
create Env_Item on map
open Env_Item properties
put the command on Trigger tab(Not name)
change the Item ID(of course) because this is second parameter that required
make sure that Spawn setting on "On Trigger only" so it not spawn
save the map and Have Fun
equip - give the "Item ID(on Env_Item)" weapon
switch - set your weapon to "Item ID"(if you have)
strip - strip your "Item ID" weapon(if you have)
exists - it check are you have "Item ID" weapon or not
How To Install:
extract newenv_item.txt that on sys > lua to <cs2ddir>/sys/lua
open server.lua
add this on end of server.lua:
the command is mixable, it means that you can insert more that 1 command for example:
equip switch
also there is a Example map that use "Item ID" to P90. if you want to use it, just extract located on maps folder to maps folder on CS2D
and of course is editable. so you can add more commands but it little harder if you newbie.
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Approved by Seekay
2 kb, 413 Downloads