Five-SevenKimKart Idiot Offline 31.05.12 09:38:48 pm After doing some tutorials,i made this handgun skin.It replaces the Five-Seven. Default Desert Camo LC's style. Sfx for the default and the camo. Sfx for LC's style. Please tell me what i should improve! Do whatever you want with this gun. edited 2×, last 12.11.12 06:08:01 am Approved by GeoB99 (17.04.16 01:36 pm) Download 164 kb, 430 Downloads
KimKart Idiot Offline 12.11.12 06:07:29 am @ plaYnice: This is my 1st skin which i made with the help of some tutorials, but i have made other skins before.
plaYnice User Offline 12.11.12 05:28:24 am If this is you first skin, good work. If you already make skins better, this is not many good... So, i give you a like. I like it!
KimKart Idiot Offline 08.11.12 01:26:25 pm @ EndDead: This was just the 1st atempt to skin a gun after i did some tutorials.
EpicCrisis User Offline 01.06.12 04:23:54 pm Looks great for your first time. I congratulate you for your successful skin and keep it up. I like it!
cooliamtheone User Offline 01.06.12 12:32:12 am Nice work my friend.You've done it well!. congratulate you! 10/10!I LIKE IT. HOORAY I like it!
Redoxx- GAME BANNED Offline 31.05.12 10:07:35 pm nice job, shadings are a bit UG-LEE-HH improve them 3/5 I like it!