Huh, I like Slasher's AK74, but It's a little bit boring. So, there is, new AKS74U for u


Quote from Wikipedia
In 1979, a shortened carbine variant of the AKS-74 was adopted into service with the Soviet Army: the AKS-74U (U—Ukorochenniy, lit. "shortened"), which in terms of tactical deployment, bridges the gap between a submachine gun and an assault rifle. It was intended for use mainly with special forces, airborne infantry, rear-echelon support units and armored vehicle crews. It is still used in these roles, but has been augmented by various submachine guns, and the AK-105. It is also commonly used by law enforcement; for example, each urban police foot patrol is issued at least one...

P.S.: Weapon on the render is two times bigger than original _m file!

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