JOSE' Mikor MGL 140 Grenade Launchersucopinga User Offline 09.04.12 06:01:02 pm sorry my bad inglish this is for replace grenade launcher this file contains: grenade.bmp grenadelauncher.bmp grenadelauncher_k.bmp grenadelauncher_d.bmp the code for equip this weapons is equip ''id'' 49 enjoy! edited 11×, last 13.08.12 02:02:41 am Approved by GeoB99 (02.09.16 02:09 pm) Download 2 kb, 406 Downloads
Reminds of my own MGL-140.CY Reviewer Offline 10.04.12 05:41:05 pm I just checked mine.. Heh, good ol' memories.
cloudboys User Offline 09.04.12 06:31:32 pm Jdpm14 nice skin. I like it. But make a screenshot zoomed into the weapon dropped on the ground or something so we can see it on the ground in-game. I like it!