Dual Berretta [by H4RDoX]0verGuyver User Offline 29.03.12 08:29:21 am Good skin with Shading You can: Use it Enjoy it You can't: Edit it Upload it edited 2×, last 09.06.17 08:48:56 pm Approved by CY (27.12.15 02:18 pm) Download 4 kb, 454 Downloads
0verGuyver User Offline 30.03.12 12:31:54 pm Sparty The Santer in russia its called "Konoplya" on image writen: "everything goes according to plan" so, my plan is collect likes or this fcked ideas like triple berrettas...
Sparty Reviewer Offline 30.03.12 07:02:25 am @ MAX-russia: r u looking at 0verGuyver 's image? or u r smoking Weed? I like it!
0verGuyver User Offline 30.03.12 07:00:40 am Quotemake triple berretta wtf third to keep the teeth? QuoteTry make dual different pistols for same weapon, like one bareta+usp ... I tried but berretta best of all my pistols, other sux and i not upload it
4Vendetta User Offline 29.03.12 11:51:34 am Try make dual different pistols for same weapon, like one bareta+usp ... I like it!