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2 comments2 kb, 402 Downloads

old de_antiquity

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Mah first bomb defuse map. I was originally trying for an aim_m3 sort of deal but then I realized that I should just go ahead and make it de_.
Story: Whatevah, make one up.
Images from left to right:
Whole map overview.
CT spawn.
T spawn.
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Credits: Me, and the crashzone community for helping out and giving me criticism before I released it.
Like it if you did, leave a comment telling me how I can improve.
edited 1×, last 21.03.12 02:49:13 am
Approved by Yates

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edited 1×, last 05.01.18 11:01:19 pm


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Terrorists are dangerously close to the left bombsite, they can reach it faster than CTs if they rush.
Maybe move the bombsite more to the right so CTs can arrive first and the Ts can't take it without a fight.
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