Guitorres - MP7BlackBelt User Offline 15.02.12 08:46:55 pm hi thats my MP7 Skin -------------- Informations : time taken: 35min date uploaded: 14/february/2012 replace: MP5 Contains : mp5_m mp5_d mp5_k mp5 mp5_sound Requested by: MapMakz0r -------------- Render : Rules Don't Steal Don't Reupload Don't Call as Yours If you are going to use this for a mod, please contact me. If you want to ask some weapon, talk to me Approved by Sparty (20.03.16 03:48 am) Download 250 kb, 532 Downloads
Sexy!CY Reviewer Offline 16.02.12 03:03:21 pm May I suggest you to add some high capacity magazines? I like it!
MapMakz0r User Offline 16.02.12 10:15:26 am THANK YOU ! you are awesome and the skin is awesome ! I like it!
Phenixtri User Offline 16.02.12 05:17:40 am Could you by any chance also add the 40 round mag to it as an option? Other than that job well done. I like it!
Redoxx- GAME BANNED Offline 15.02.12 08:57:08 pm noo b*tch i requested this skin to STAN,noo awesome! I like it!