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Englisch i prepare a giveaway (games and some steam cards)

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alt i prepare a giveaway (games and some steam cards)

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in february i will make a stream to revive the community and stay warm . I will give 3 games to 3 winners and two lucky guys can get 10 euro steam card. im trying to find servers for people to have fun and be entertained again in 2025. I love the game and i wanted to make it people still coming back and see some full servers full of fun .i did a cs2d stream 4 years ago and i said to those people i will keep making livestreams about this game....its been a time i talk about this but now im here. The game is more innactive and its the peferct time for me and for evryone to seeing something new and coming back to beloved game and win in giveaways talk about anything seeing new servers and more. If you want to suggest servers or something else contact me to make something good
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