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Englisch Stranded Remaster Collection – Advent Calendar

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What features do you find most important in a Stranded Remaster Collection?

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Enhanced Graphics
50,00% (2)
Modern Controls and UI
0,00% (0)
More Stuff (Items, Objects, Plants etc.)
25,00% (1)
Early Access (Playable Alpha)
0,00% (0)
Ability to Write Scripts and Mods
25,00% (1)
Keep It As Original As Possible
0,00% (0)
Make One Game Instead of Two
0,00% (0)
4 Stimmen abgegeben

alt Re: Stranded Remaster Collection – Advent Calendar

Spark Fountain
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18 - Island Survival: A Lonely Odyssey

This is a short story created by ChatGPT to give you some Lonely-Island-Feeling short before Christmas At the bottom, you find an image created by Dall:E.

The salty breeze greeted me as I stood atop the cliff overlooking the ocean, my little kingdom of solitude sprawled below. I had built a treehouse nestled in the canopy of a sturdy banyan tree, its crude walls made from planks salvaged from driftwood and vines I had twisted into ropes. By the beach, a campfire flickered, surrounded by a ring of smooth stones I’d painstakingly collected. My pride and joy, though, was the little wooden boat I’d crafted from palm trunks and sealed with sap—small but sturdy, it gave me hope of escape one day. Yet, for now, this island was both my prison and my sanctuary.

The island offered more than I had expected. Wild guava trees dotted the forest, and a freshwater spring provided clear water that trickled through the rocks into a natural basin. By trial and error, I discovered that mixing guava with crushed coconut milk created a nourishing drink, while roasted fish—speared with my sharpened stick—completed my meals. Aloe plants became my salvation for healing wounds; their cool gel soothed burns and scrapes from my daily battles with the rugged terrain. I wove coconut husks into makeshift bandages, their fibers surprisingly effective for keeping dirt away. Life was primitive, but I was learning to thrive.

One morning, while gathering wood near the mangroves, I heard a rustling noise behind me. I turned and froze as a strange animal emerged from the shadows—a creature like no other I had seen. It had the body of a small deer but with a bushy, striped tail and eyes that glowed faintly even in daylight. Startled, I stood still as it approached, sniffing curiously at my basket of guavas. Slowly, I extended a fruit, and to my amazement, it snatched it delicately before bounding away. I named it Lumina, for its glowing eyes, and from then on, it became a distant yet curious companion, occasionally watching me from the treeline.

Every evening, as the sun melted into the horizon, I would sit on the beach beside my fire, contemplating my fate. The loneliness was a weight I bore silently, though Lumina’s occasional appearances brought unexpected comfort. I wondered if I would ever leave, if the boat could take me far enough to find help. Yet, for now, this island was my world, full of challenges and fragile victories. I promised myself that if I ever made it back to civilization, I’d never forget what the island taught me: resilience, ingenuity, and the strange beauty of surviving against all odds.


alt Re: Stranded Remaster Collection – Advent Calendar

Spark Fountain
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19 - Survey: 3D Items?

In some games, you find three-dimensional inventory items. I thought about this as well, since I don't want to use the old Stranded items anyways - they have blurry textures and a fixed size! Yet I'm not sure how to deal with the Stranded I Remaster: In that game, items are independent from actual 3D meshes and DC has drawn them by hand.

What would you prefer: Having classic images of items in the inventory, or using 3D meshes which rotate when you inspect them? Leave your comments right here!

alt Re: Stranded Remaster Collection – Advent Calendar

Spark Fountain
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20 - Currency System

A small detail about Stranded II always confused me: There are gold bags hidden below the ground which can be found by digging, but they have basically no value - it's just an item in your inventory! Although there are people to trade with on random islands. But you can only pay them with natural resources.


With the Stranded Remaster Collection, I want to change that. There will be a currency system which allows the player to have "money". Each hidden gold bag increases your property by a certain amount in a random range.

In general, there will be many more gold bags hidden in future. At least on random islands, but maybe also in the story mode. The general idea is: You will occasionally find messages in bottles which contain secrets and riddles. Sometimes a single bottle message will lead you to a buried treasure, but in some cases you have to find several hints distributed all over the island.


You can use your money to trade with the profs, weed grandpas or natives just as you know it from the old game. However, there will most likely be more options, also to buy "immaterial" things like advice on combinations or improved skills.

alt Re: Stranded Remaster Collection – Advent Calendar

Spark Fountain
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21 - Tools and Food

Here are two announcements on more realistic tool and food behavior.

> Tools: Each tool has a "life span", which means you cannot craft it once and use it forever. The more stuff you build with a hammer, the higher the risk becomes that it gets broken. The same goes for an axe, pickaxe or spade. Whenever a tool gets broken, you'll receive a primitive item which used to be part of the tool (most likely a branch).

Probably I'll introduce a crafting skill, which allows to make tools more robust, the more experience you have in crafting.

> Food: Many fruits, as well as fish or meat, would spoil in warm temperatures. Depending on the environment, food quality gets worse after a few days. While a fresh meat will satisfy your hunger a lot, it will only give you a minimum of energy after five days. The longer you wait to consume fresh food, the higher the chance to get a food poisoning (which will be either a new state or reusing the existing poison state).

To increase the quality of perishable food, you can cook it or store it in a wooden storage. Carrying everything in your inventory might not be the best idea. Oh, and if you happen to be on an arctic island, don't worry: Your food won't perish

alt Re: Stranded Remaster Collection – Advent Calendar

Spark Fountain
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22 - Real Islands (?)

Once again, this is an intellectual game. Some years ago, I tried to use maps from Google Earth and import them to Stranded II. Then I wanted to recreate some general environmental aspects of their real-world originals.

Examples of such islands would be:

> Pitcairn (the famous island in the pacific ocean where the "Bounty" stranded)
> Tristan da Cunha: One of the most isolated inhabited islands in the southern atlantic ocean)
> Astove Island: An uninhabited small lagoon island that belongs to the Seychelles (currently there seem to be activities to build some infrastructure)
> Svalbard: An arctic island that belongs to Norway (with cool day-night cycles depending on the season and ice bears)
> Vice City: Well, not a real island but I love the flair of this Florida-like map

What do you think of this? Would you like to have replicas of small real-world islands, or should Stranded be a pure "fantasy island" game? Feel free to leave your comments!

alt Re: Stranded Remaster Collection – Advent Calendar

Spark Fountain
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23 - Cheats

What makes a good game - besides good game mechanics, good graphics and good atmosphere - are good cheat codes You might still know the funny code words from Stranded I which modify your states or let you become high. In Stranded II, there were no real cheat codes - only an in-game debug console with options to give the player items or reset states.

In the Stranded Remaster Collection, you'll have a mix of "ancient" cheat codes and new funny word combinations. While some classic cheats like invulnerability or infinite breath underwater will be part of the new games, you'll also have some weird environment changers. Imagine a code to conjure a snow storm in the tropics. Or suddenly all turtles will become predators and hunt lions. Or all trees will have bottles of wine to collect. Or the player can jump 50 meters high.

Oh boy, believe me, there will be a lot of fun with cheat codes

alt Re: Stranded Remaster Collection – Advent Calendar

Spark Fountain
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24 - Controllable Units

Some Stranded II modifications (e. g. Titanium) already added the possibility to recruit certain units for a common battle. This feature motivates be, because it helps units to become more than just randomly moving meshes.

In the Stranded Remaster Collection, you'll be able to tame units (if they are animals or wild characters) - just like in the good old Stranded II. If they trust you, you can give them exercises or tell them to follow you and carry your stuff:

> Natives: Can follow you, defend you in dangerous situations or help you constructing buildings
> Profs: Improve your skills or craft rare items for you
> Weed Grandpas: Harvest your grain or hemp and make joints for you
> Chieftains: Give you weapons and food
> Lion, Monkey, Kiwi: Become your pets and don't attack / run away from you

I know it might be confusing that on the one hand, I want to make the Stranded Remaster Collection more realistic but on the other hand, let lions and kiwis become friendly pets But I guess you will be able to choose which way you prefer in the end.


...and of course I know, that it's two days before X-Mas. But since I was a little lazy in the last weeks and added the remaining posts just days later, I want to make it up to you:

Thank you for following this project and I wish you all a merry christmas!
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