Stranded II
Model B3D
Model B3D
4 Antworten Hy everyones
i gonna be make a mod for stranded 2, so i download new model (for new unit and model) for my mod. but it's not enough!, i was trying to download it in google but its 3ds! i was convert it to b3d but when i test the model. the model wasn't move (animation)
, can anyones tell me where i can get some b3d not 3ds model?
your comment is my pleasure
Are you sure you converted properly the .3ds model to .b3d? Corrupt conversions would may lead to unexpected behaviours and bad results of the model.
Try another tool converter from this link below, it supports BlitzBasic 3D format and other extensions as well.
Also, you can find a variety of B3D models from some websites you should take a look. Hi everybody.
I want to join the question of the topikstarter.
I'm making a mod, and I also need a b3d editor and/or a library of suitable models on the site.
I see there is no good enough answer on the forum, mostly converter suggestions.
I searched the Internet for programs for b3d, but the options found could not open real models from the strange 2 folders, so I think they are not suitable for work.
Does anyone have a direct link to download a suitable version of the editor and converter?
Ideally, it is advisable to save the file on the site so that this question does not arise from year to year from people who are inspired by modding and looking for answers to the same questions. Stranded II supports .3ds, .b3d and .x as 3D models but only animations from .b3d i belive. You can use Milkshape3D , DeledCE with plugins or Blender to export as .b3d if you really want to. DC Admin
Probably the best free open source 3D model editor. There are some b3d importers/exporters for it, e.g.
I didn't try it myself but it might be an option
Milkshape 3D
That's the software used to make the original models. I think it costs something (but maybe not anymore?)
It can only EXPORT b3d though. So you always have to keep a copy in another format which is cumbersome. Most models are available for download from the dev page in the ms3d format (which is Milkshape 3D's own format):
Disclaimer: I would NOT recommend to use Milkshape 3D because it's a VERY basic and limited tool. This however is the only one that I used and I can tell that it definitely works.
Ultimate Unrwap 3D
You have to pay for it and it's only for UV unwrapping. But it can import and export b3d meshes and therefore you can probably use it to convert b3d files to another format. I never used it so I can't tell if it works without problems.