The Ultimate TestGuest 08.07.08 10:57:07 pm Hey guys, I used to be on here a lot...just thought I would stop by and see what you thought of this test: (By the way this isn't spam or porn or search the link if you're suspicious.)
Re: The Ultimate TestDC Admin Offline 08.07.08 11:03:38 pm I think you could also visit instead - seems to be almost the same thing
Re: The Ultimate Testleinad1123 User Offline 09.07.08 11:47:54 am see us in hell nobody is perfect and I hope this test isn't perfect too
Re: The Ultimate TestRedemption COMMUNITY BANNED Offline 09.07.08 04:12:58 pm LoL im Christian, but of course we don't know who is going where...... yet
Re: The Ultimate Testmiezebieze User Offline 09.07.08 07:34:31 pm umm004 has written[...] this isn't spam [...]I don't think so... And I can't find an answer on "are you bad or good?" in all this shitty god-waste text! Nietzsche has writtenGott ist Tot! After all: I don't believe anything of all the "blabla" of all religions...
Re: The Ultimate Testbezmolvie User Offline 09.07.08 10:36:06 pm miezebieze has written umm004 has written[...] this isn't spam [...]I don't think so... And I can't find an answer on "are you bad or good?" in all this shitty god-waste text! Nietzsche has writtenGott ist Tot! After all: I don't believe anything of all the "blabla" of all religions... I agree, I'm an athiest
Re: The Ultimate TestGuest 11.07.08 12:08:18 am If you believe in atheism, please read this...what do you think?