Re: 2dbr Server
Guest@Guest: if your trying to make it look like as if I said that, learn how to spell first, because now everybody knows it wasn't me because I never (well, rarely) make errors.
@Andy: I know what you mean, they banned me too while I had a decent ping.. They use ''OMFG LOW PING''
as an excuse to ban you because you got more skills
then them, as I've said plenty of times in this topic;
Marcio, your server(s) sucks.
@Marcio: Your bad English just astonishes me everytime. Your cookie emoticons spamming the whole topic just shows how immature you are.
Now what the fuck is this, first you saw you let everybody in the world play on your server, and then you come up with the excuse ''OUR WEPONZ DAMAGE 'R
CHANGED AND LOW PING R TOO STRONG!1!'', please child, kill yourself. Just do us a favor and kill yourself.