GuestIt feels to me, in a crude way, that the game ressambles the old titles ELITE + SETTLERS + DOOM + ROBINSONS REQUIEN. It is just awesome, really, and I have been recommending it to my friends.
It has been ages I don't play first person games anymore as I tend to think they are all SHOOT + OPEN DOOR kind of stuff, and the ones that promises something else, don't do enough a job to make it.
Now, this game is just what I was waiting for, I don't have words. It has a great level of interactivity with it's environment and soo much more!
If the author ever reads this, here goes a few ideas:
-rain may fall anytime(according to cloud amount maybe?).
-clouds, that may produce shadows (where while moving in the shadows gets you less tired and thirsty).
-Ocean tides would be great.
-More "rain" modification to the scenario, like the some grounds becoming a sort of slippery mud.
-and so on.
I'm on the thirf island so far and just about 75% of my friends are hooked on it too. Please, do advertise it some more, I tend to think a lot of people just don't know what they are loosing.
Any way, I hope I didn't do anything wrong posting this here, It is just I could not hold my self, sorry if I broke any rule.
Thanks A LOT for the game and congratulations for the outstanding achievement, you deserve all praise on this.