we are really bored with nothing of notices of the game...!!
CS2D General Notices plzNotices plz
4 replies 1
we are really bored with nothing of notices of the game...!!
@leegao: Did I ever say when it is going to be released? I don't think so. Maybe I esimated when it could be released but these estimations are never accurate. I never set a "fixed" deadline afair. You can't really play it yet so there will be no alpha. There will be one as soon as it makes sense.
to all: please remember that I'm currently serving my time (military service) and there were 3 months were I wasn't able to find time for cs2d max. I understand that you're becoming impatient because the development takes so long.
I'm trying to do my best and to release the game as soon as possible and to provide you with the latest information of development. Thats all I can do/say about this.
Re: Notices plz