If at all possible - if you're updating your clan, please give me your clan number first

If at all possible - if you're updating your clan, please give me your clan number first
Website: http://nnb-cs2d.webs.com
Leader: -
members: 7
Recruiting: Yes
Clan Origin: Sweden
Additional infos: New clan rising.
Website: -
Leader: [DKO]Maste®²³, [DKO]Admin
members: 5
Recruiting: Yes
Clan Origin: Greece
Additional infos: New clan rising.
Clan Name: [LaG]
Clan Leader: Hye Ping; VL's: Circa; JuMpsTyLe
Total Members: 40
Clan Website: www.lag2d.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: 37 Wins; 2 Losses; 1 Tie
Country of Origin: Canada; United States
edited 1×, last 21.08.09 02:21:55 am
Clan Name: [.gS#]
Clan Leader: Special-Forces,bloooody
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: www.golden-soldiers-2d.de.vu
Country of Orgin: Germany,Turkey.
we look for only German speaking people.

Clan Name: .:Wu|| - .:Wu Tang Clan:.
Clan Leader: S.A.S KILLAH; VL's: Paz & Zenden
Total Members: 16
Clan Website: http://www.wu.ucoz.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Clan Origin: United Kingdom (UK)
Other Information:

Clan Leader: Xion; VL: Zurak
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: www.teamtoxic.ucoz.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information: 15 wins; Undefeated
Country of Origin: United States

Clan Name:[_=AtoMiC=_]Clan
Clan Leader:Johnny199
Total Members:21
Clan Webstie: http://atomiccs2d.co.cc
Recruiting or NOT:yes

Clan Origin:ANY
Other Information:

Clan origin is NOT what clan only acepts, it's the country where the Leader comes from!

Clan Name: .:Wu|| - .:Wu Tang Clan:.
Clan Close , Official GoodBye
Golden-Soldiers New Clan!
Clan Name: [.gS#] and Pacman
Clan Leader: Special-Forces,bloooody
Total Members: 6 [UPTADED]
Clan Website: www.golden-soldiers-2d.de.vu
Country of Orgin: Germany,Turkey.
we look for only German speaking people.
edited 1×, last 23.08.09 04:14:21 pm
doom15 has written
Official Update 
Clan Name: .:Wu|| - .:Wu Tang Clan:.
Clan Close , Official GoodBye

Clan Name: .:Wu|| - .:Wu Tang Clan:.
Clan Close , Official GoodBye
.:Wu is down!? doom15, are you Wu Tang member?

Oh, I see...
Website told it.
Clan Leader: Banana Phone
Total Members: 11:

Clan Website: http://bananasclan.mforos.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: recruiting

Other Information: No hackers

Country of Origin: Spain

edited 12×, last 24.08.09 04:52:40 pm

Clan Name: -[InF]- / Infinity
Clan Leader: Insane and Weedy
Total Members: 18
Clan Website: www.infclan.ucoz.net
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information: Active, friendly, looking for server hosters.
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Clan Name: -[InF]- / Infinity
Clan Leader: Insane and Weedy
Total Members: 18
Clan Website: www.infclan.ucoz.net
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information: Active, friendly, looking for server hosters.
Country of Origin: Netherlands
This is the old Infinity
edited 3×, last 24.08.09 11:46:14 am
Clan Name: [L4D] Left 4 Dead Clan
Clan Leader: Mod, Bill
Total Members: 19
Clan Website: http://left4deadclan.ucoz.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Clan Origin: Australia
Other Info.: All people can join, no clan wars

Help us make the The Left 4 Dead Campaign Map.
Xtend3d i think its my fault, lol...
Clan Leader: Freshi; Vice leader: Edi
Total Members: 17
Clan Website: http://xile-team.tk
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Clan Origin: German
Other Information:

Clan Leader: Xion; VL: Zurak
Total Members: 14
Clan Website: www.teamtoxic.ucoz.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information: 15 wins; Undefeated
Country of Origin: United States
Clan Leader: ipod
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: www.dopamine.clan.su
Recruiting or not Recruiting:

Other Information: Recruiting players from America, Asia, and Australia.
Country of Origin: United States 20009
Clan Leader:R0x0r
Clan Co-Leader: Phoenix
Total Team Members:14
Clan Website: http://site59.ucoz.net
Recruiting or not Recruiting:Yes

Other information:A new clan that wants to become awesome! Recruiting players from Europe,Australia and Asia.
edited 4×, last 31.08.09 10:20:54 pm