2.In script:


REMEMBER: Time parameter is always counting from SEQSTART
//Molding on:use { 	if (playergotitem()>15){ 		play "molding.mp3"; 		process "molding",10000; 		alteritem 15,504; 	}elseif{ 		speech "negative"; 		msg "You don't have enough pieces of biomaterial",3; 	} }
If (playergotitem([b]503[/b])>15){ ... }
if (count("object",134)==0){ randomcreate "object",134,1,500;} // This line works, and forces hemp to spawn. 		if (count("unit",38)==0){ randomcreate "unit",38,1,10000000;} // This is the line it can't figure out
### Light Flour (3xGrain + Stone) combi=start id=lightflour req=42,3 req=23,1,stay gen=186 script=start 	play "grind.wav"; 	process "grinding",410; event "iskill_cooking","global"; script=end combi=end
### Light Flour id=186 name=Light Flour group=food icon=gfx\flour.bmp model=gfx\flour.b3d scale=0.65 mat=dust weight=250 info=a pile of light flour. I can mix it with water to get light dough script=start 	on:use { 		if ( ((count_behaviourinrange("object","fountain",50)+count_behaviourinrange("object","watersource",50))>0) or (inarea_freshwater("unit",1)==1) ){ 			play "mat_flesh5.wav"; 			alteritem 1,187; 			process "making dough",500; event "iskill_cooking","global"; 		}else{ 			msg "I need water!",3; 			speech "negative"; 		} 	} 	on:eat { 		process "eating",1000; 		eat 1,10,5,0; 	} script=end