Song: Nuttin' no go soNiborius User Offline 14.04.07 02:42:51 pm anyone heard of Nuttin' no go so? its a song and i like it. here is the youtube link:
Re: Song: Nuttin' no go sodr 1337 User Offline 14.04.07 05:29:26 pm its ok but it sounds too much like that regGAYaton crap the wiggers and the central americans listen to. I like punk and 70s rock better
Re: Song: Nuttin' no go soNiborius User Offline 14.04.07 06:18:22 pm ok and a question: this song is techno right?
Re: Song: Nuttin' no go soR04R User Offline 17.04.07 09:41:52 am Nvm. edited 1×, last 18.04.07 01:00:07 am