Hmm flashlights?
Hmm flashlights?
6 replies This seems nice, but how does it work.
Well I'm gonna see and wait I think.
Tell me if there is more updates, I wanna know.
DC Admin
well.. they... emit a beam of light which ... makes the environment... uhmm ... brighter
seriously: they make no sense - at least in gameplay. just a gimmick like in the real cs (nearly nobody uses the flashlight there in a serious way). blinking around and having fun. thats it. Would it be possible to include this, however, in the new CS2D? I realize, like you said, it is mostly unnecessary (but in CS, it does help light otherwise-dark places of the maps). For example, here is a screenshot in a quickly-altered Cs_Druglab_JW showing how you could add a "flashlight sprite," allowing you to see better in the "dark" basement.
mrc User
nice effect of flashlight...
Oh, and will be possible to use microphone while playing?
If yes, we need the mute/unmute players in the score... flash light is a great idea, players can also use it as signals or whatever, it should be added, will the source code be needin a change? or just a sprite but... if fog of war is enabled, the FOW acts like a flashlight too.... only with a huge range....... what im hoping for is scripted events like in a flying plane map if you blow out the doors a wind rushing sound and the quake effect happens and ppl can get sucked out of the plane a la de_747 for cs1.5/1.6. The way that the flashlight could work is if the "block" sprite used for darkening places would be replaced by a dark sprite or something that can be placed like a tile. Then, explosions and gunshots can light up the room! sweet! you wouldnt know where silenced shots come from besides the arrow thingy by the center. CSSlike influences would be a nice touch too like the flashing health icon and maybe physics for the guns and nades and some other things too! maybe even drivable cars so we can bring back de_jeepathon2000!!!!!!!
srry but running over hostages is fun......i need a shrink... wow this post is too long.. DC Admin
justin: yes that will work of course!
armeer: the source code needs to be changed.
and .. wth.. this is NOT a feature request thread (and do not open one. I do not accept feature requests at the current state of development). however:
marcio: no sorry a microphone support will not be supported. I already denied this serveral times. You have to use external programs which are much better anyway (I do not have the knowledge, resources and passion to add microphone speak stuff which does not raise the ping to 10.000 ms or something like that...)
dr 1337: I thougt about a script/entity/trigger system like in hl/cs but its unsure whether it makes its way into the new cs2d...
thread closed.