I am using Arch Linux with a hybrid GPU laptop(Intel UHD630 and Nvidia GTX 1050Ti). When I try to open CS2D, it prompts "terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)" which means that at least on my setup, CS2D cannot be launched natively.

In addition to this, I tried to set up an Ubuntu environment in Docker and LXC containers with the following results:
1. If I do not specify the --driver, meaning using CPU rendering, CS2D can be launched with about 30-40 FPS. (Can't guarantee that CS2D will launch every time the same environment is set up. XD)(Maybe debian image can do it.)
2. If I specify the --driver using UHD630, it will prompt a Segmentation fault.

The story doesn't end there. I also used QEMU to create a true virtualized environment, enabling VirtIO GPU OpenGL 3D acceleration and a Spice server. The result is that both Ubuntu and Windows (I did GPU passthrough, which is quite complicated) can play normally with GPU acceleration, and the frame rate is stable at 62 FPS.

Therefore, I suspect that the inability to launch CS2D is largely related to the GPU driver, but this is as far as my analysis can go.