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English Podcast about the game design of Stranded II

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old Podcast about the game design of Stranded II

Spicy Night Owl
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Hello folks of UnrealSoftware! Long time no see!

Just popping in to share that I've released an episode of my game design podcast called "Beneath the Dungeon" about our beloved Stranded II. In the show, I talk about the different design aspects of S2 and why they work so well together, and even have some comments from user DC: himself.

The podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd rather skip the hassle of finding it, here's a link to our website page where you can find links to the show on different platforms or listen to the episodes embedded directly on the site.

Hope you enjoy, and let me know what ya think!

old Re: Podcast about the game design of Stranded II

Mami Tomoe
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I listened to it on my drive home and while I didn't relate much (as I never played S2), I did like the podcast overall.
It felt like a real podcast and not some fan-made creation, so it felt professional and well made.

I was disappointed that DC wasn't actually in the podcast (his voice), but other than that, it was enjoyable.

old Re: Podcast about the game design of Stranded II

Spicy Night Owl
User Off Offline

Thanks for the kind words! I really appreciate that! Yeah I did have the thought that it would be super cool to try to set something up on Discord, but I've got a pretty busy schedule as I'm sure DC does too and with the timezone difference, I figured it would be too tricky to set up. But hey, could be a cool piece of bonus content some day if DC was down lol
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