I've been playing battlebit a lot and a few hours ago I decided to watch a video about its history on youtube, that's when they mentioned Vilaskis aka BATTLEKOT. That name triggered a sort of nostalgia in me and I couldn't get it out of my head for hours, "where have I heard this name before?" it just sounded so familiar, that's when I remembered writing messages to someone with this name on us.de
I came here and searched through my mailbox and found messages dating back all the way to 2014 to a user called BATTLEKOT
That's when I remembered making and editing maps back then with this person but then they suddenly vanished into thin air after a while, but how could I know it was him? I reached out to Vilaskis on discord https://imgur.com/a/aucGsHv
and sure enough he confirmed that this user was him and that he did indeed used to play CS2D, the reason he vanished was because he switched to Unturned and the rest of the story you already know how it turned out (battlebit)
I got his permission to speak about this in here since I thought some users would find it cool that a Battlebit dev used to play CS2D
edit: I don't know how to show the images so I'll just leave the urls instead