I then have to press "control, alt, delete", and log out of my computer and log back in to continue playing. If i click on and have checked the "run game in window" box, the game then also crashes.
Although, i just did a test once again. I maximized and minimized the game window after messing with pressing "control, shift, windows and b" to reset my graphics card and this time the window max/min functionality did what it was supposed to do and did not crash the game. So this seems to occur only sometimes.
If i start the game in full screen mode and then press the minimize arrow the game freezes.
If i start the game windowed and press fs arrow the game goes to full screen and does not freeze and i can then also press the minimize arrow and go to windowed and back to full screen mode repeatedly.
edited 7×, last 19.02.23 11:33:48 pm