I am not sure if this is bug or its normal in cs2d but if someone can help, please help.
CS2D General What is wrong with map voting?What is wrong with map voting?
4 replies 1
I am not sure if this is bug or its normal in cs2d but if someone can help, please help.
What does your mapcycle.cfg look like?
Some things to check:
make sure there are no typos in the map names and that the names match the map file names 100%
do NOT add the file extension ".map" to mapcycle.cfg
It's possible that special characters in the file name cause issues. I recommend to only use a-z, underscores and numbers in map names.
Also note that you are allowed to have the same map in mapcycle.cfg multiple times but that it will be in the actual voting list only once for obvious reasons.
DC has written
I can't find any limit in the code so I think it should be possible to have more maps in the map cycle. Can anyone confirm?
there indeed seems to be a limit of sixteen maps, here you can see them, but in the mapcycle.cfg file I have about twenty-ish maps. only the first sixteen in alphabetical order are available in the map voting menu.
@ NanuPlayer: For clarification: I didn't want to say that map voting is broken in general. What I was talking about is that if there's a bug - which seems to be the case - it's probably in the part which displays the maps for voting in the list (and somehow limits it to 16 there) and that the map cycle itself probably works as intended with more maps.