CS2D calculates the frame offset which is used for the lag compensation with the calculation frameOffset=Ceil(playerPing/mp_lagcompensationdivisor). A frame commonly takes 16.6 milliseconds(60 FPS, 1000/60) so 16 is the default value for this setting.
But my servers run at 63 FPS and 1000/63 = 15,87. So will I get better results using 15 or should I keep with 16?
Oh, I just read and it looks to be for client's FPS. The client can go up to 62 so it's still 16.
There it also says:
Note: This command has originally been implemented for fine tuning. CS2D's target FPS are 60 so it should not be necessary to change this value. It is however possible that you get better results by slightly increasing or decreasing the default value.
In which situations may I increase or decrease it?
edited 2×, last 06.07.21 03:49:57 am