
Why everyone whos playing games's lying about that
23 repliesThere is quite a gap between being game addicted and playing games.
No one asked you to be addicted, in fact being addicted is something only you're in control of.
But whatever, I'm sure this is just a bot post anyways.

edited 2×, last 30.09.20 12:17:39 pm
First of all, we are not forcing anyone to play CS2D, we simply suggesting others to try it, because it is fun. Past proven that already.
Second of all, not everyone is addicted to gaming, some people play a lot because they want to lose stress (and I am talking about singleplayer games now, where you don't really get more stress by playing) You know usually when you work for someone and is an asshole or you have a hard job, you get stress, you might have no family or even if you do they don't support you, etc. Many cases can happen, not everything is the same as for you. Look from other perspective as well.
Just because someone's hobby is playing video games, that does not mean he is addicted to it.
You might into sport or drawing, or party or chess, whatever it is, you do like that, you spend probably more time into it then others. So that makes you addicted to it?
First learn how life works, then say such a things.
Most problems of alcohol, drugs, etc are not about controlling anyways, if you don't have the support to lose stress and shits going on, you can't do shit, because they are the only thing that actually helps.
Keep in mind, I don't suffer in any of these, I just understand people.
So yes, @

Why do people like you try to ruin communities which are already on their downfall?
How am I ruining communities? No, I am not. All I'm doing is exploring my feelings and truths out.

There is quite a gap between being game addicted and playing games.
Firstly we're talking about video games not other games like football or whatever. We're mostly talking about game addiction and a little playing games so what's the point with what you've just said?

But whatever, I'm sure this is just a bot post anyways.

Uhm, you definitely not understand things here.

First of all, we are not forcing anyone to play CS2D, we simply suggesting others to try it, because it is fun. Past proven that already.

Second of all, not everyone is addicted to gaming, some people play a lot because they want to lose stress (and I am talking about singleplayer games now, where you don't really get more stress by playing) You know usually when you work for someone and is an asshole or you have a hard job, you get stress, you might have no family or even if you do they don't support you, etc. Many cases can happen, not everything is the same as for you. Look from other perspective as well.

Just because someone's hobby is playing video games, that does not mean he is addicted to it.

You might into sport or drawing, or party or chess, whatever it is, you do like that, you spend probably more time into it then others. So that makes you addicted to it?

First learn how life works, then say such a things.

Most problems of alcohol, drugs, etc are not about controlling anyways, if you don't have the support to lose stress and shits going on, you can't do shit, because they are the only thing that actually helps.

Keep in mind, I don't suffer in any of these, I just understand people.

So yes, @user Mami Tomoe: was right, stop ruining communities, I know you might wanted to start a thread about something to talk to, but this was more like a negative or provocative one instead of something nice.

Gaming is a hobby, just like playing an instrument, jogging, watching movies or gardening.

Why do you think that "Playing video games is nothing more than hurting yourself"? There have been multiple scientific studies about benefits of gaming (each word is a link).

Addiction is a serious topic
They are all just my opinions, please don't take them wrong. If you can prove me wrong then you can do that without being hesitated. Thanks for all your replies, I'm appreciating them as much as I can

edited 5×, last 30.09.20 02:28:18 pm

Gaming is a hobby, just like playing an instrument, jogging, watching movies or gardening.
Just because a doctor has not told you specifically to game, doesn't mean that it is not happening. It is. The only reason why it's not as widespread or well-known is that video games are a super new phenomenon (widespread gaming has started some time in the last 20 years) and there have not been as many medicinal studies about it. But they are getting there. The studies are getting more and more and most of them show success. The actual usage of the solutions found in studies usually lags a few years behind, so within the next 5-10 years you may see thousands of people being treated using video games.
Of course people will try to abuse you as much as possible - because there are no social consequences what so ever. It is a pitty that you are not able to completly ignore that - the most important skill that you need when surfing the world-wide-web.
If you compare video games with drugs then happy birthday - in my country at the very least half of the people smoke, drink beer, drink coffee or take drugs or play video games or do atleast 2 of these things. If playing video games is a drug, then driving fast is also a drug. Because there are more disadvantages than advantages.
With that in mind, its hard to even think of an activity that is not a drug.
The Dark Shadow has written
Even if thats the case: Thanks to CounterStrike2D I still learned using a forum, a computer and even learned how to code programs. Thats top-notch knowledge to have especially when solving logical puzzles, math equasions etc. 
"Playing video games is nothing more than hurting yourself"
I also learned a lot of english through playing video games. Nowadays I prefer using english ressources.
So maybe my benefits are higher than the disadvantages.
Every drug can be a good thing if you handle it properly (at least thats my opinion - and I´m definitely not an expert).
For example cannabis: Smoking it every day is bad obviously. But if you smoke it on a very rare moment together with friends on a campfire on a place you never have been before then it can create unique moments that you will never forget and also strengthes your friendship.
maybe it isnt as horrible as most people think. but you need to watch out anyways. you dont wanna be in the 10 % group

If you compare video games with drugs then happy birthday

If playing video games is a drug

If playing video games is a drug, then driving fast is also a drug. Because there are more disadvantages than advantages.
With that in mind, its hard to even think of an activity that is not a drug.
With that in mind, its hard to even think of an activity that is not a drug.

"Playing video games is nothing more than hurting yourself"
I also learned a lot of english through playing video games. Nowadays I prefer using english ressources.
So maybe my benefits are higher than the disadvantages.

Every drug can be a good thing if you handle it properly (at least thats my opinion - and I´m definitely not an expert).

For example cannabis: Smoking it every day is bad obviously.

For example cannabis: Smoking it every day is bad obviously. But if you smoke it on a very rare moment together with friends on a campfire on a place you never have been before then it can create unique moments that you will never forget and also strengthes your friendship.
This is How You Think: With that in your mind, you are choosing a kind of fun (that you can't have normally without taking drugs) over your health and life.
My Respond to

I'm sorry but I can reply to only one person in a day so I will reply to you and tell my opinions tomorrow by either editing this post or creating a new post. Also, Thanks for your reply! I'm not gonna lie I learned from it.
Thanks for taking your time!

edited 2×, last 01.10.20 11:50:32 am

I never said playing video games is a drug, I only said "Basically playing video games is like taking drugs".

Yes indeed, CS2D let me learn stuff quite inefficient. But - you know - I was quite young and if any old man came to me and would have said: "Instead of playing and scripting for CS2D, you could read this completly boring book, thats way more efficient for being successful in life." Then I would not have read that. The real question is: Why did I like CS2D more than boring books?
I understand that only some drugs can be used in a good way effectivly - but as you say in the right time with the right conditions. And I say we just didnt figure out how to handle those bad drugs for good things.
Sorry, but you just copied and pasted some generic text about how drugs work. I did read it and also agree as I learned similiar things in school but in my eyes it was unnessecary.
You often argue that drugs/games (which I refer to addictions now because you agreed with me on the driving fast part) are harmful for the body. But nothing in life is perfect therefore you will never have a perfect health or life. You sound like: if you dont take drugs then you live healthy but that is also wrong (because you need to do sports, etc).
Of course you should focus on being healthy, but dont be too oppressive with that. Similiar to perfectionism, etc if that is the only thing you think about, then that is unhealthy for your brain because you try to be someone you never will be. You will never get a perfect life - there will be always moments of stress and bad luck. Also you should never forget: You wont live forever! There is almost no point in living healthy when you die with middle age by a car accident.
My conclusion: You miss out on something when taking drugs, but you also miss out on something when not taking drugs.
In this case, with drugs I mean the substances and not the addiction.
Being addicted is really bad especially if you are unaware and lie to yourself that you aint.
But that is the point: Being self-aware is very important in life. Knowing how you feel and what you want and what you need. Drugs did help me to become more self-aware and more critical of what others try to tell me/sell me.
This is How You Think: With that in your mind, you are choosing a kind of fun (that you can't have normally without taking drugs) over your health and life.
I agree. Having fun is one part of my live. As disgused previously taking drugs to have fun is similiary like having a dangerous hobby like driving fast or bungee-jumping (when it ends to an addiction).
And drugs are kinda cheating - like the easy way to get satisfaction with certain long-term disadvantages. But many modern western entertainment technologies are comparable. Smartphones or social media (everyone is connected || people isolate themself), factory farming (even poor people are able to eat meat || pigs live in bad circumstances and also the meat is filled up with medicial supplies), cinemas/movies (people can easily enjoy a great story || people forget their creativity usually build up by reading books), plastic products (you can create them easy and cheap || environment does change in a bad way).
These are just examples and please build up your own opinion to these topics - these are just hints to show you that many things do have up- and downsides.
All those easy ways of "earning fun" are kinda cheating and their good and bad effects will nullify themself in the best case.
But everyone is addicted, thats why you give childs candy when they did something good (the child is addicted to attention from its parents)
Find the right thing to do for yourself and create your own opinions. Being happy with yourself and your life style is the most important.
Actually I read over this 3 times and I cant present my opinion any more structured. There are also things I need to rethink about, especially drugs vs. addiction. Thanks for thanking for taking time.

I noticed almost everyone who is playing video games is lying about the fact that "Playing video games is nothing more than hurting yourself".
We, people, are bad at self-awareness. Most don't have it at all,

Compared to social networks, games are:

There are worse addictions around, imho.

Video Games can be used to train your Hippocampal-Associated Memory, they can be used to train attention (good for people suffering of ADHD). Video games have been used as a way to provide psychological therapy. It helped dyslexic children learn to read.

The only reason why it's not as widespread or well-known is that video games are a super new phenomenon (widespread gaming has started some time in the last 20 years) and there have not been as many medicinal studies about it. But they are getting there. The studies are getting more and more and most of them show success. The actual usage of the solutions found in studies usually lags a few years behind, so within the next 5-10 years you may see thousands of people being treated using video games.

I can game for 6 hours straight.
A Very Short Story of My Life: I started playing video games when I was only around 3-4 years old, When I got older I started playing video games 5+ hours straight in a day, So after many years of doing that I felt what happened to me, At that time I couldn't even play video games just for a few minutes I started having cancers, heart disease, very slow bowel, even many diseases, a lot of underlying conditions, and so many more shits just as a preteen. So I started with stop playing video games and stopped sitting on a chair for hours, creating a schedule for my life, managing my time, managing workout, and managing diet after that I didn't even need treatment at all I could treat more than most of them naturally.

Yes indeed, CS2D let me learn stuff quite inefficient. But - you know - I was quite young and if any old man came to me and would have said: "Instead of playing and scripting for CS2D, you could read this completly boring book, thats way more efficient for being successful in life." Then I would not have read that. The real question is: Why did I like CS2D more than boring books?

Sorry, but you just copied and pasted some generic text about how drugs work. I did read it and also agree as I learned similiar things in school but in my eyes it was unnessecary.

You often argue that drugs/games (which I refer to addictions now because you agreed with me on the driving fast part) are harmful for the body. But nothing in life is perfect therefore you will never have a perfect health or life. You sound like: if you dont take drugs then you live healthy but that is also wrong (because you need to do sports, etc).

Of course you should focus on being healthy, but dont be too oppressive with that. Similiar to perfectionism, etc if that is the only thing you think about, then that is unhealthy for your brain because you try to be someone you never will be.

You will never get a perfect life - there will be always moments of stress and bad luck. Also you should never forget: You wont live forever! There is almost no point in living healthy when you die with middle age by a car accident.

Drugs did help me to become more self-aware and more critical of what others try to tell me/sell me.

But many modern western entertainment technologies are comparable. Smartphones or social media (everyone is connected || people isolate themself), factory farming (even poor people are able to eat meat || pigs live in bad circumstances and also the meat is filled up with medicial supplies), cinemas/movies (people can easily enjoy a great story || people forget their creativity usually build up by reading books), plastic products (you can create them easy and cheap || environment does change in a bad way).
These are just examples and please build up your own opinion to these topics - these are just hints to show you that many things do have up- and downsides.
These are just examples and please build up your own opinion to these topics - these are just hints to show you that many things do have up- and downsides.

All those easy ways of "earning fun" are kinda cheating and their good and bad effects will nullify themself in the best case.

But everyone is addicted, thats why you give childs candy when they did something good (the child is addicted to attention from its parents)

Compared to social networks, games are:
multiplayer, a social activity (social networks ARE NOT anymore)
relieve stress
require more brain and physical activity than TV

edited 1×, last 07.10.20 01:43:44 pm

very slow bowel
uh i once had quite the opposite, i shat myself while trying to defend my house against the brazilian mobs in Iran Town, but i made the brs rage quit