It's easily possible to fake any usgn in-game, I personally could fake DC's usgn name and usgn id with the basic cheat engine, But It's impossible to get his password, It's just faking
- Q: When It can be done? -
A: When you're the host (the faker)
A: When sv_checkusgnlogin or something like that is not enabled that means the server securities are not configured correctly.
So now, Everything is going on good, That guy who calls himself hacker or cheater never can login into DC or anyone's else usgn in this website.
Just take it as a note, Never download any kind of hacks or cheats they might steal your usgn password.
P.S: Since the server doesn't verify the user usgn name even with sv_checkusgnlogin enabled, It can be faked easily and can't be prevented without lua script.
EDIT: I just found out It's the same faking, It's same as mine It's just with cheat engine. You can check latest DC in-game online status.