Now I really want to see the coming Steampage for CS2D.
"CS2D is a topdown multiplayer Counterstrike clone, developed by Peter Schauß - also called Funky Fart"
Sorry for the OT
Admin/mod comment
You're apologising for the OT post yet it still breaks the rules though. /Borealis DC Admin
Patasuss: The game description text is about the game and not about who made the game (in my opinion). Therefore you wouldn't see such a text on the Steam page for CS2D. Also I'm NOT called "Funky Fart" (and I'm not called "Unreal Software" either). I found it on the world wide web.
As the topic has been pushed to the top again. Do you want some sort of generic name? Something like blablabla Labs/Arts/Entertainment/Studio I think at this point there are only two options:
Unreal Software
Funky Fart
Considering Funky Fart is a bloody meme, and newcomers from Steam might get confused when the name changes anytime soon, my bet would be on keeping the name Unreal Software. For now. honestly i think this site should just stay as unrealsoftware, but occasionally we slip up and call it funky fart; the meme is real man. @
Seekay: You don't want the name itself to be an eternal meme? I would love it so much.
Just imagine.
'Cow of Darkness Studios'
'Exacly Funky' DC Admin
To be honest: A rename is massive effort and yes, it does lead to confusion and I might even lose people that way. So I do not plan to rename Unreal Software soon.
If I would be forced to rename it now I would choose Funky Fart though
I bet when you get bigger and more involved with bigger, it would even be a more massive undertaking.
Future Progress:
Overwhelm him so he is so involved and busy, he has no time to deal with name changing. (complete) Absolutely disgusting, when we couldn't see the beauty and genius of Funky Fart and therefore refused it, DC insisted on it and said there is no coming back, so we accepted the reality. And now that we love Funky Fart so much it has become part of our identity he says he's not using it. No. I refuse. Death to unreal Software