CS2D Flase LogInAgustindz23 User Offline 16.01.17 02:53:33 am Hello Guys! i have a strange problem, I have logged in mi account on CS2D, but On the servers it appears as offline, have any solution? thanks IMGpostimg.org/image/7ma7nbd49/
Re: CS2D Flase LogInRIP-HereRestsPlookerbooy BANNED Offline 16.01.17 03:13:26 am That happens because your internet connections sucks thats all.
Re: CS2D Flase LogInAgustindz23 User Offline 16.01.17 03:19:27 am RIP-HereRestsPlookerbooy has writtenThat happens because your internet connections sucks thats all. Use the same connection in previous versions and did not have this problem
Re: CS2D Flase LogInRIP-HereRestsPlookerbooy BANNED Offline 16.01.17 04:49:34 am That bug happened to me too and it solved automatically when I gave it some time. Just give it sometime and it'll back to normal, don't worry.
Re: CS2D Flase LogInDC Admin Offline 16.01.17 07:17:53 pm This is a common issue and it can occur with all versions. Commonly caused by poor connection / disconnects / ip changes. Just restart the game and try again or click the little icon left to the login state to force a re-login and then try to join the server again.