How to make "Team Limited"?
That Like Team Terrorist have Limited Join.
so you can't join Terrorist Team again.
Max Player on Terrorist Team is 3.
and CT is normal.
joins = 0 max_joins = 3 addhook("team", "_team") function _team(id, team) if team == 1 and joins >= max_joins then return 1 else joins = joins + 1 end end addhook("leave", "_leave") function _leave(id) if player(id, "team") == 1 then joins = joins - 1 end end ----- Untested
neiz = {} addhook("team","") function 	local terrorists = player(0,"team1") 	if #terrorists >= 3 then 		return 1 	end end
neiz = {} parse("mp_autoteambalance 0") addhook("team","") function local terrorists = player(0,"team1") if #terrorists >= 3 then 		msg2(id,"©180000000Terrorist Team is Full!, You can't join Terrorist.") 		parse("makect " 		return 1 end end
Lua: Adding function '' to hook 'team' U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist ADD-request... U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated U.S.G.N.: Ping/State 'playing' Guuune joins the Terrorist Forces [b]PlayWithWheel connected [b]PlayWithWheel joins the Terrorist Forces [b]Slayer connected [b]Slayer joins the Terrorist Forces [b]PlayWithJoystick connected LUA ERROR: sys/lua/autorun/FurtyAdminScripts.lua:8: bad argument #1 to 'msg2' (number expected, got nil) -> [C]: in function 'msg2' -> sys/lua/autorun/FurtyAdminScripts.lua:8: in function <sys/lua/autorun FurtyAdminScripts.lua:5> -> in Lua hook 'team', params: 4, 1, 0 [b]PlayWithJoystick joins the Terrorist Forces
function teamhook(id, team) 	return team == 1 and (#player(0, "team1") >= 3 and 1 or 0) or 0 end addhook("team", "teamhook")
function teamhook(id, team) 	if (team == 1 and #player(0, "team1") >= 3) then 		return 1 	end 	 	return 0 end addhook("team", "teamhook")