Add stylish for opera. Stylish link not working for Opera Browser.
Unreal Software Unreal Software - Pink Design v1.6Add stylish for opera. Stylish link not working for Opera Browser.
It says "Webpage doesn't exist or whatever."
Inflexion has written
If for you, then not for me,
It says "Webpage doesn't exist or whatever."
It says "Webpage doesn't exist or whatever."
You got aids and cancer. But how do I remove it from my computer?. The answer is simple: Just remove aids and cancer from your computer. Btw. this is how aids and caner in Germany works.
You're genius, sir! Avo approves!
More pink emoticons (
[ADDED], [FIXED] and :sick:) - OPTIONAL - requested by Seekay
User tooltip window icon
"Guidelines" list had checkmark icons instead of dots
Download page "file is secure" text - reported by Hador
With this we're guaranteed to attract more ladies. And gay men.
New emoticons work but this one...
Whatever, it's fixed, reinstall/update the style from the website.
@ Avo: Then draw these potatoes for me you peasant
Took me 30 seconds with Microsoft Picture Manager. Use it if you want
And yea, I will upload the recoloring template and finished images soon.
By the way, I will upload the pink source images and the Hue+Saturation settings soon.
No I'm just kidding.
VADemon has written
@ Mami Tomoe: Neither does it now, because it's too pink / bright.
By the way, I will upload the pink source images and the Hue+Saturation settings soon.
By the way, I will upload the pink source images and the Hue+Saturation settings soon.
You can NEVER have too much pink
PS: @ Seekay, I can't do anything about the comics.php page, because the arrow is an inline code, basically a single appearance. Why inline code and not css? Because @ DC was a monkey coder back in the day